
Average score 149 Reviews
Evan Leng noted on Google

Un accueil chaleureux et un restaurant propre. La nourriture y est très bonne et à un prix abordable. Je recommande. (Translated by Google) A warm welcome and a clean restaurant. The food here is very good and at an affordable price. I recommend.

2 years ago
Haris Softic noted on Google

2 years ago
HARIS noted on Google

Très bien (Translated by Google) Alright

2 years ago
Lucas Wang noted on Google

tres bon restaurant (Translated by Google) very good restaurant

2 years ago
Nisrine HS noted on Google

très bon !! sushi frais et délicieux. la dame trop gentille et rapide. avec les tickets Groupon on a eu une belle offre pour deux.. a refaire sans doute ! (Translated by Google) very good !! fresh and delicious sushi. the lady too nice and fast. with the Groupon tickets we had a great offer for two.. to do it again no doubt!

2 years ago
François B noted on Google

2 years ago
stef bion noted on Google

2 years ago
ARBAB Noreddine noted on Google

2 years ago
Charlène BAYON noted on Google

2 years ago
Mohamed Ztat noted on Google

Plats délicieux et service impeccable et agréable (Translated by Google) Delicious dishes and impeccable and pleasant service

3 years ago

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268 Rue de Belleville
75020 Paris, France

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